ThemeLeaf develops free and premium Twitter Bootstrap themes and website templates for general business applications as well as website templates for law firms and solo practice attorneys.
At present, we sell our themes exclusively in the Wrabootstrap Twitter Bootstrap theme marketplace. In 2013 alone we've sold more than 2,400 copies of our themes and continue to be one of the top authors on the Wrapbootstrap theme marketplace.
We love merging clean design with useful, real-world, function. Who cares if it looks great, if it can't function in the REAL WORLD.
We also have a passion for photography and love using our own photos as well as photos from other professionals (appropriately licensed, of course), particularly from those on fotolia, to add professional polish to our themes.
We map out everything in a detailed plan.
We develop it and test it on popular devices.
We wrap it up nice and neat and get it to market.